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Meeting Minutes

WNCC Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2001 Meeting

John Wyckoff started the meeting by discussing some changes to the computer club. He indicated that Jack Harrigan, Marlene Lazzara, and he had met to discuss the future of the club. In doing so, it was decided that it was important to grow the club to a larger size to have enough members attend meetings so we can attract good outside speakers. We also want to have enough members with varying interests that the club can have sub-groups to address a variety of topics, such as, photography, genealogy, finances, travel, programming, etc. To accomplish the expansion, we made the following changes and requests of the members:

CHANGE #1 - The club will be open to anyone on the Waccamaw Neck, not just
Willbrook Plantation residents.

CHANGE #2 - To be consistent with the broader scope of membership, the club has been renamed the “Waccamaw Neck Computer Club”.

REQUEST #1 - All members were asked to inform friends or acquaintances about the computer club and invite them to attend future meetings.

REQUEST #2 - All members were asked to let Jack, Marlene, or John know if they
knew of any good potential speakers.

The June meeting was arranged by Jack Harrigan. He has invited Sean Montgomery from Radio Shack Service in Charlotte. They service Radio Shack sold computers as well as others and Sean will discuss computer service and specifically what service they can provide for our members.

Two subjects were on our agenda for today’s meeting. First, Clem Thonnes introduced firewalls. He emailed all members the article “Personal Firewalls Block Out Bad Guys”. He then discussed firewalls at the meeting indicating why it is more important with cable modem service to have a firewall than it is with dial up service. He also mentioned a free-wear program from ZoneAlarm. Their web site is http://www.zonelabs.com <http://www.zonelabs.com/> . Clem and John are both using it with success.

Second, Clem illustrated, using the laptop and projector, how to use browsers and some of their features. He demonstrated using Internet Explorer but indicated that Netscape would look very much the same. He focused primarily on searching, favorites (bookmarks in Netscape), and retrieving images from the internet.

The club again thanks Clem for an excellent job.

 This page was last updated on 08/22/02