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Meeting Minutes

WNCC Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2001 Meeting

Eighteen members attended the meeting which began at 9:10 a.m. in the
Residents' Club.


Place for meetings: John Wyckoff asked for discussion about holding our
meetings at the Waccamaw Public Library rather than at the Residents' Club.

Reasons for doing so:
* The Library will provide the meeting room at no cost to us
* The Library will provide an lcd projector
* Dave Gustafson will loan us the use of his laptop so we can use the
projector to display the concepts being discussed
* Laptops (12-13) may be loaned from the Library if needed. However, these
are not presently available on Mondays

Other considerations:
* Meetings need to begin at 9:30am rather than 9:00 to allow for room setup
* The Library has a criteria that all meetings be open to the public;
however, we do not need to advertise
* We cannot charge a fee onsite; we need to develop a new process for
collecting the current $3 fee/meeting

John made a motion that we hold our meetings at the Waccamaw Public Library.
The motion passed.

Future agenda items: A request was made to form a subgroup to develop future
agendas. After some discussion, the following agenda items were agreed on
(in no particular order):

* Internet: Browers, Search engines, Upgrades & evaluations, Internet
* Microsoft Word: formatting, special features
* E-mail (next month)

Clem Thoennes invited members to continue to e-mail him with suggestions.
Also, please feel free to step up and lead one of the discussions. Clem is
available if you'd like his help. If you have particular knowledge you want
to share, e-mail Clem and he will post your information to the Web.

There were several questions brought to the group. Clem clarified the use (&
abuse) of cookies, and how to backup files. We were reminded there is a core
group of members willing to help with specific problems. This includes Jack
Harrigan, Bob Kaple, Bob Pelletier and John Wyckoff; Marlene Lazzara will
help with Mac problems. Please let us know if you're available to be a

Bookmarks: Clem has had to change his website. Therefore, please delete the
bookmark addresses he had previously given us and see his e-mail dated 2/12
for new bookmark addresses for Bookmarking, Care of Computer, Managing
Files, and Parts of a PC.

File Management: Topics Clem addressed include:
* How to create folders & subfolders and why it is important to organize
your files so you can retrieve what you need, when you need it.
* Using SAVE AS to ensure saving files to particular folder
* Backing up files to a floppy, zip or CD-RW disk
* Saving text files from a website and why saving to a word processor saves
time and paper
* Saving graphics from a website for use in text file
* Downloading from the Net and saving to disk before running the program

Ann Golden brought up a problem she has had with a virus attacking her
e-mail. Clem again cautioned us to be aware of the danger of viruses when
opening attachments and to use a virus protector such as Norton's or McAfee
which can update virus information automatically.

Claudia Wyckoff suggested Office Max as a resource for purchasing software.

Next meeting: Monday, March 12 at 9:30 at the Waccamaw Library. Agenda item:

This page was last updated on 08/22/02